The Australia–New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement (ANZCERTA) came into force on 1 January 1983.
The rules of origin determine which products count as “Australian” or “New Zealand” products. They are then eligible to enter the markets in either country at a zero tariff rate. The rules establish what level of processing or manufacturing needs to be achieved on a product by product basis.
Revised rules of origin for trans-Tasman trade came into effect on 1 September 2011. Information on the rules of origin for ANZCERTA, and general guide for using the agreement can be found in Fact Sheet 20 (PDF 268 KB). Further information is also available on the MFAT website .
Australia is also a Party to the ASEAN-Australia New Zealand Free Trade Area Agreement. Traders should consider which agreement provides the most benefit for their imported/exported products.
The Australia Customs and Border Protection Service require the exporter to declare that the good meets the originating criteria under the Agreement, and which origin criteria the good meets.
For further information on claiming preference in Australia, see the Australian Customs website .
An NZ importer may make a claim for preferential tariff treatment on the basis of a certificate of origin, a declaration of origin, or other evidence sufficient to prove that the goods satisfy the relevant rules of origin provisions. If requested by Customs, an importer claiming preference must be able to provide sufficient evidence to substantiate the claim.