The present Act provides for the prevention and eradication of whatever organism (plant, bacteria, virus, algae, fungi etc. etc.) or weed potentially harmful that could be introduced or spread in the Country; for restriction or ban on the importation of plants , their products and organisms: for the importation of certain pests to the sole aim of research; for testing and subsequently quarantine, disinfect and clean or destroy if deemed necessary every plant, product , package or container that has been infested; for fixing terms and fee for quarantined items; for restricting or ban the cultivation of any plant over a determined period of time in any location in the country; for compliance with safety of all plants and their products produced in Sri Lanka and ready to be exported.
The Minister may make regulations aimed at the eradication, or prevention of the spreading of weeds, or of pests and diseases injurious to, or destructive of, plants. Said regulations may provide for any of the following: (a) prohibition or restriction on the importation of plants, invertebrate animals and insects; (b) prohibition or restriction on the landing of plants from vessels or boats or aircraft; (c) importation of plants under special licence and conditions; (d) inspection of plants at, before or after the time of landing; (e) fumigation or disinfection of plants; (f) enforcement of quarantine measures; (g) prevention against the spreading of pests, diseases and weeds; (h) treatment of weed and plants; (i) transfer of plants; (l) establishment of advisory committees. Any person who, without lawful authority or excuse, contravenes any regulation made under this Ordinance shall be guilty of an offence, punishable according to the provisions of Sections 7 and 8.
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Long title of text
An Act to make provision against the introduction into Sri Lanka and the spreading therein, of any organism harmful to, or injurious to, or destructive of, plants, and for the sanitation of plants in Sri Lanka; for the repeal of the Plant protection Ordinance (chapter 447); and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.